Saturday, November 21, 2009

Santa Series Number 6 - Mrs. Claus

OK not technically a Santa but we know Mrs. Claus plays a huge role in getting Santa ready for his big Christmas Eve gig...

Here she is serving cookies to keep his belly nice and round.  I bet someone out there can use her on a recipe layout this Christmas.  I think before I use her on a project I'll add some holly berries to her hat - it looks a little plain to me.  This is the only day on the blog for Mrs. Claus - I'm not totally crazy about her so if you create a better version please show me!

Here is the original Mrs. Claus I made, different head, slightly different hair, different apron. 

Feel free to mix and match your punch parts.  Remember no tutorials during this series - look close - you can figure it out!


  1. Ellen...loving Mrs Claus...i personally like her better with the round face...somehow looks more homely...Sara

  2. I agree Sara - the pointy chin just didn't work for me this time!

  3. hmm I dunno Ellen..I'm kinda likin' the pointy chin Mrs. They are both cute. I do like the ruffled apron a bit better though :o)
    Awesome as ever. Have a swell weekend.

  4. I like her both ways, but especially with the round face. She is really cute. and I want a cookie.

    Have a great day, my friend.


  5. I saw Ellen kissing Santa that how the song goes? ha cute! Are you publishing a book? You should - can I be the first to buy it? Wahoo - you Rock, girl!!!Hugs, P

  6. I agree about the book idea!! Wow, you're amazing! I can't figure where you get your inspiration!! I love the round-face Mrs.!!
