Monday, April 18, 2011

I've been gone

Had a quick girlfriend trip this weekend - lots of talk, lots of antique store browsing (her thing - not mine) and a few adult beverages overlooking the lake...  absolutely no crafting involved.  Although I did spot a scrapbook store on my way out of the little town Sunday night so I just might have to check that out next time I drive that highway...

Here is a simple page I did in MDS before I left.  Not everything has to be complex, ya know?
My Daddy and my youngest (a few years back)


  1. Sounds like you have had fun! Your pages are awesome. Question? Why can't I just go to the current page on your blog when I have it in my favorites? I have to f5 it or scroll to the right side bar where there are listings......It just started doing this lately so I am certainly confused........Pansy

  2. I do not know - but anyway you get to my website you should be able to click on the header (the blinkin' thinking' & inkin' part) and get to the current page.

    I haven't changed a thing around here. Problem must be at your end.
