Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

If you are a mom - I wish you a Happy Mother's Day!

If you miss your mom - I wish you comfort from happy memories.

If you have a mom - stop reading this and GO CALL HER (or take her out to eat - YUM)

I spent Saturday with my mom (Mother's Day Eve) - 'cause I'll be going to the Mavs - Lakers game for Mother's Day.  We are sitting in the nose bleed sections but hey, that is where the true fans sit.

Enjoy the day!


  1. Ellen - I have just spent hours upon hours looking at all your fabulous creations! You are hands down one of the most talented individuals out there!!!
    Two things:
    1. I feel sooooo strongly that you should be offering a pdf file that people PAY for to download your entire collection - if people don't want to pay a small nominal fee, then they just don't appreciate you the way that people should. You should be rewarded for your talents and that is that!!!
    2. I am wondering if you would take on the task to create a cartoon-y farmer character? I think he would be a great addition to your stunning collection!
    Great work again, and never, EVER, stop doing what you are doing!!!

  2. Just me again...
    One more thing...It would be great if you added a sidebar that "stalkers of your work" could SUBSCRIBE TO your blog, so that each and everytime you post, we would get an email!!!
    Yah - You ROCK!!!!
