Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just Talk

No punching has been going on.  As shocking as it might seem, there is more to life than paper crafts!

I'm fine.  I'm happy.  I'm busy.  And I haven't been posting 'cause I haven't been punching (or scrapping)

I could fill this blog with blather about life and my random thoughts and stupid insights -  but since most of you come here for the free punch art ideas, I decided silence was better.  But from some of the emails I've gotten, I thought I better check in with you gals and let you know all is well.

The girls are happy and settled in the same town (not this one) and hubby is preparing for a work assignment in Australia.  The dog and I have been (and will be) spending lots of quality time together. 

I've been painting and rearranging and organizing and reorganizing and moving the twigs around in my empty nest.  Still lots more to do. 

The idea is to be ready in case the Australia assignment turns a bit more permanent and we actually sell the house and move.  Right now, that is only a possibility but I want to be ready.  I have decades of crap to wade through and several household improvements to make.  And if we stay put - my house will be streamlined and in great shape.  I can already tell you that a decluttered home cleans a lot faster than a cluttered one!

Commercial Time:  I have a new books.  I LOVE being read to and our local library has LOADS of them to choose from.  I started just listening in the car but I have discovered that painting and cleaning are more fun with someone reading you a story.  TRY THEM!

Thanks for coming back to check on me.  I'm glad you noticed I was missing.  And yes, I hope to punch again but not right now.  Sorry punch fans.