Monday, January 7, 2013

so far, so good...

Pat me on the back, 6 days of the year - 6 days of photos.  Today's topic is water so I guess I'll either drive to the lake or snap a photo of my water bottle at yoga tonight or take a pic of the dog's dish.  This would have been a much easier photo when I was on vacation....

Stumbled upon something cool yesterday and I am MAD at you all for not telling me about it.  (If you didn't know, I'll forgive you.)  It's called OhLife and it is an online journal - completely private.

I realize some of you are journalers and have been writing in your diary since you were 11 years old and had a crush on that cute little (insert appropriate name here), but not me. I always wanted to journal but never even made it to the sixth day (this would be why I'm so proud of my 6 little photos above).  But OhLife should make this easy.  
1) you TYPE in your entry - awesome for those of us who can't read our own handwriting
2) they send you an email every night and you reply to that email - that is your entry for the day

So I'm figuring that if I check my email regularly (and I do) then I can journal regularly.  I'm gonna try it anyway.  If you want to try too, check it out at


slbt17 said...

good for you!
Sandra ltb

Anonymous said...

Love that you are back to blogging regularly. Have inspired me to that a photo every day and do do the same with the grandkds to make a calender. Marci

Karren said...

What a brilliant idea (which I'd never heard of). I check my emails multiple times a day so it shouldn't be a hardship to write a reply. I always think I'll remember what happens but I never do! Thanks so much for mentioning this site. It's great to have you back blogging!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FOR SHARING THE OH LIFE SITE. I won't take a pic a day but i believe i can answer the email daily. What fun it will be to look back on it. It will be a blessing for sure. Pray you will continue too!